Q: Who is hosting this contest?
A: The Twific Pimps host a fanfiction podcast and rec blog. We also run the Fandom People Awards.

Q: Do you have the author's permission to offer their fic to be fanfic'd?
A: Yes we asked and was given permission from each author.

Q: How did you choose which fics to offer?
A: We did informal polls on our blog, twitter and ADF.

Q: Can I submit an entry for more than one fic?
A: Yes. You can submit more than one entry for a single fic. Also, you can submit to as many of the fics as you want.

Q: How different can my ending be?
A: Your ending can be totally different from how the original fic ended.

Q: Does fanfic'ing a fanfic mean that entries should be written in the same "voice" or "style" that was used by the original author?   
A: The extent to which you want to emulate the original author(s) is up to you. We're not looking for seamless replicas, just make sure whatever you do makes sense for your outtake/continuation/alternate ending.

Q: Will you be judged for going OOC from the characters created by the original author(s)?
A:The answer is... maybe.

We want you to be creative, and if that means going someplace different, we want you to feel free to go there. Just know that it needs to make sense to what you are trying to accomplish with your entry.

Q: How did you pick judges?
A: We're asking readers and authors who are fans of the participating fics to apply to be a judge for one of the participating fics. For example, we hope that people who are superfans of Scotch, Gin and the New Girl will apply to be a judge for the SG&NG entries. Judges will be asked to read all of the entries for the fic they are judging. We will be hooking judges up with score cards to help them vote, and we will be using their input to determine the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places for each fic category.

Q: Will there be more rounds of this contest?
A: We hope to have multiple rounds of this contest, so let us know of fics you belive would be great to fanfic. Also, a future round may be for endings to Abandoned Fics.

Q: Where can I find a beta?
A: Project Team Beta is an excellent resource for new are experienced authors. They are on a short hiatus but may be back soon. Also, Twific News Classifieds is a great place to post an ad for a needed beta.